Mapping Terrorism

Mapping Terrorism

A group project, we created a website dashboard that visualizes data from the University of Maryland Global Terrorism Database.

GitHub Repo

This project was made as a part of Geography 458, Advanced Digital Geographies, at the University of Washington.


My group deliberated a lot over the topic, before settling on a database gathered by the University of Maryland on terrorism incidents around the world. This topic was chosen in order to show a visualization of global terrorist activities and inform users about the patterns and exact information of these activities. We knew that while these events may get headlines, people may not actually know where they are happening half the time and may not be able to visualize or think about the impact.

I myself designed the primary layout for the about page, and made significant contributions to the map, including the labels that popup on clicking icidents, as well as adding the functionality for icons based on incident type.

What I Learned

This was the first group project I ever worked on that facilitated the use of a version control system and collaborative coding. I learned a lot about using Git to coordinate and was taught the importance of the magical git pull. Thanks to my group, I also learned Figma and how to use it to create templates and design references.

This was my first entry into web mapping and using the Mapbox library. I’ve always been into history and geography and love maps, so this was exciting and fun to learn for me.

